Moderator Pick
June 18th, 2023

School starting time

For educators snd students we need a shorter week of school and a later start in the day.
Doctors and clinicians state adolescents need more sleep time, yet they are not getting it due to having early start time for high schools as opposed to elementary schools. Teachers need more sleep too so we could all benefit from starting later in the day and having a 4 day school week as opposed to 5. Having more sleep time will improve attention, energy, stamina and mental clarity thus improving mental and physical well being in everyone.

Tags: Mental health, restorative practices, school climate and safety

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Comments (1)

Comments (1)

Hi N:

Thanks for joining our conversation. I know my two teens would have been in favor of this!

I'm sure you've heard all of the arguments against a later start time (bus schedules, after-school activities, etc.) and 4-day school weeks (too little time in the classroom). How would you counter those naysayers?

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