Moderator Pick
June 9th, 2023

Mental Health

In order to better help students, we need more training and more professionals working in schools with students.

For teacher's mental health, we need admin to actually listen when we ask for help and not just continuously load more on top of us until we're drowning.

For myself, I need my district to actually take actions that will make the schools a less toxic work environment instead of just talking about how they want to change things... it has all been performative and I need them to actually make positive changes.

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Comments (2)

Comments (2)

Michelle - I agree that conversations about the importance of mental health have led to only performative changes (in my district and school, too). Unless administrators value mental health and student/staff wellbeing, whether we receive trainings on related topics is at the discretion of our administrators.

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Hi Michelle:

Thanks for joining our conversation and adding your experience. It sounds truly frustrating.

If you were in charge of making change, where would you start? What training would be the most important to offer first? What supports do you want to see from the school administration, district officials and state education leaders?

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